The part I don’t get the shooting happened on Sunday. Bucks had no problem playing on Monday. Now they decide not to play today. Players should not get paid.
GL with the parlay cats.
The NBA is a complete clown fest and a joke. Stop supporting these millionaire radicals…
Just my personal opinion and not associated with anyone else’s on this site.
I want to live in a world where we can judge cases on pure facts/evidence instead of deciding guilt or innocence based on how much someone looks like us. We are heading down a very bad irrational road. I am not sure we as a country ever get on the right track
and of.course the dodgers boycott at the last minute. Game started at 945pm they boycott.930pm. Why? Because they think they have to follow suite like everyone else, because they don’t wanna look bad. Well this is bullshit! Half the players don’t even know what they are boycotting damnit! Im so pissed over this horseshit! There, I said it!
Let’s stop playing sports and give people more time to loot and burn. Smart plan. In pittsburgh this week a one year old baby got shot and killed by stray bullets while sleeping. That is the kind of stuff these athletes and America needs to be outraged about. Or the 434 murders in chicago.