Jason, I don’t think what I Post here, should be a Mystery to anyone.
I list the Team number & the type of Bet, that I think will win the Game, M/L.
or + 1.5, or any points, thats listed.
I like to wager on Parlays, that way you can Play less Money, BUT win a lot MORE.
Many yrs. ago, I picked 10 NCAA games for a parlay, I bet a $100.00 on it,
the FIRST nine games WON, the # 10 game LOST, by 1/2 of a Point.
Here’s my play’s for a NHL Parlay, 2 Dia.
# 51, . NYR. . M/L.
# 60, . TOR. . M/L.
# 64, . NAS. . M/L.
# 68, . COL. . M/L.
I have hit my 1 st. . 10.
so here’s hoping, got my fingers,
& toes Crossed.
@@@@@ C-est . La . Vee @@@@@