It seems time changes things.
I have not given you Con-Grats for hanging on, for 19 yrs.
You have not always been right with your Plays, but you
have ALWAYS been Honest with them, THAT’S GOOD.
When one gets Old & Senile like me, you don’t get every
thing done in a timely manner. I had to giveup the
operation to a younger Group, when confined to a Wheelchair.
Uncle Jeb, ( the Bullshitter ) & Aunt Kate, ( the great Handicapper )
have expired, ( may God Bless them )
I still have contact with some of the Trainers, I have known
for yrs, & my friend in Canada, said for me to take Ottawa
& the points, & Calgary on the M/L.
We’ll see how that comes out.—- Take . Care —-