Home Forums BobBalfe.com Message Board Saturday April 22nd Betting Talk

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  • #45183
    Bob Balfe

    Good luck

    Bob Balfe

    Brooklyn looks as bad as Cleveland did last night. Damn

    Bob Balfe

    They didn’t until this quarter. They were up 8 at the half. Total joke

    Bob Balfe

    Guess that’s why they’re 0-3 and on the cusp of a sweep… at home none the less.
    W out Philly super star. 😂🤮

    Bob Balfe

    Yep I meant that 4 minute span when Philly went on a 20-4 run. .. doesn’t matter how well they played early. Hopefully they will have a little pride in the 4th

    Bob Balfe

    It’s frustrating to have a big lead like we did and then to give it back in one quarter. They will bow out in the four quarter. They don’t want to go back on the road. It’s almost like they played a good first half and realized if they win they have to play on the road. I will be shocked if they can win

    Bob Balfe

    They act like they want to play a little.
    We are in it… wouldn’t take much for Philly to pack it in and take home to wrap it up in front of fans

    Bob Balfe

    If they don’t have to play another game they would love the week rest

    Bob Balfe

    Yep. I was hoping for a little run by Brooklyn ..
    Not as sloppy as they are playin.
    O well.

    Bob Balfe

    Too bad because Sixers didn’t play well either. Seemed like an intentional choke job to me. Sickening that the public cleaned up in the first week of the playoffs while we broke even

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Bob Balfe.
    Bob Balfe

    Down 400 juice.
    We need a good run!!!

    Bob Balfe

    Yeah i hear you Randy. We had a phenomenal year in ALL sports which is coming to a close when the NBA finals are over in June. I don’t handicap to make fast money for people. It’s a grind.

    Bob Balfe

    Understand completely. I have not been on board that long so unfortunately recent games is all that my bankroll sees…
    I’m still here.

    Bob Balfe

    Bang! Home run!

    Troy Polamalyourass

    Randy, the first year I joined happened to be Bob’s worst year in his career

    I was like…of course 🤷🏽‍♂️

    Been money since…hang in there

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